Throughout these years Baltasar Garzón has conducted multiple investigations in the field of terrorism. Here are some examples.

• Investigation into the hijacking of the Italian ship Achille Lauro, which occurred on October 7, 1985, in the Bay of Alexandria (Egypt). It was the hijacking of the aforementioned Italian ship by the terrorist group led by Palestinian Abu Abbas in the Bay of Alexandria. The weapons, according to the investigation, were to be delivered to Spain. An American hostage was killed (Leon Klinghoffer).
• Investigation into the crimes attributable to the GAL organization (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación [Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups]), who served in the South of France against members of the terrorist organization ETA, from 1983 to 1987. Within this case senior police and politicians were prosecuted and convicted.
• Multiple and repeated investigations on the terrorist organization ETA, and its organizational and financial environment as well as its various manifestations inside and outside Spain.
• Investigations into other Spanish terrorist organizations such as “Exercito do Povo Galego Ceive” until its disappearance.
• Antifascist Groups October First (GRAPO) until today when, in fact, the organization is virtually defunct.
• TERRA LLIURE brought down by his investigations in 1992 and disappeared following the judgment in that summary of the Criminal Chamber of the National Court in 1995.